Schweden-Ticker, Nachrichten vom 17.09.2024

News from Sweden

  • The gender gap is closing on Swedish boards — but diversity is at a standstill
    The gender gap is closing in the boardrooms of large companies in Sweden as well as within Swedish management teams.But as gender equality is improving, other groups are still being left behind, according to a new report by the Allbright Foundation, a non-profit that measures equality in Swedish companies' boardrooms and management positions.”A lot of work needs to be done here and I believe a lot of companies need a wake-up call before it's too late,” the foundation's CEO Amanda Lundteg tells Radio Sweden.
  • Government wants 10 years of compulsory school in Sweden
    The government and the Sweden Democrats want to replace the existing pre-school class for six year olds with a new first grade, according to Swedish Radio News. The proposal aims to focus studies more clearly on the early learning of reading, writing and arithmetic.Swedish Radio News reports that the autumn budget will propose allocating SEK 194 million to the municipalities, in order to get the new first grade system up and running by the autumn of 2028.
  • Court to begin review of planned spent nuclear fuel repository
    The Land and Environment Court will today begin work on reviewing a final licence decision and conditions for the construction of a repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark nuclear power plant.The location of the repository and the arguments made about its long term safety have proved controversial ever since the government in 2022 decided to allow the construction of the plant.In particular, there has been criticism by some environmental groups of the use of copper as a material for encapsulation of the spent nuclear fuel.
  • Plans for Sweden to take charge of new Nato base in northern Finland
    Sweden may take charge of a new Nato base in northern Finland, the two countries' defence ministers announced at a press conference in Stockholm on Monday.Swedish staff would plan and lead military exercises with the Finnish armed forces, as well as armed forces from other Nato countries, and the aim is for it to function as a deterrent, but also to strengthen preparedness in case of a deteriorating conflict.The Swedish government is positive to the invitation, the next step is for the Swedish parliament, but also Nato to agree to the plans.
  • Social Democrats in political lottery scandal — sellers targeted the elderly
    The Social Democrats are under fire for their lottery-based fundraising efforts, after reports in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter of aggressive sales tactics targeting elderly customers.The party says it will stop hiring external firms to telemarket its lottery subscriptions, and the CEO of the party-owned company behind its lottery has been sacked.Radio Sweden's Ulla Engberg explains what these political lotteries are and what's been alleged.

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